High Performance Compression Hockey Socks by EC3D

EC3D, a Canadian manufacturing company based in Montréal, Québec, creates medical grade compression garments for athletes of every level.
The term “compression” in sport is often used to describe any tight fitting garment. However, EC3D only develops products that meet medical grade therapeutic compression levels, which are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). To be considered medical grade, the compression level must be a minimum of 20 mmHg. EC3D medical grade compression garments are designed specifically to have higher mmHg readings at the extremities to push blood flow toward the heart for re-oxygenation.
Active compression garments improve blood circulation and oxygenation to the muscles during exercise, increasing muscle output and reducing fatigue. As well, compression garments enhance muscle alignment and stability so that muscles can be properly strengthened. Having a heightened awareness of body alignment leads to better posture, stability and performance.
Recovery compression garments assist with targeted compression to encourage blood flow which helps remove lactic acid from the muscles and reduce swelling. This results in efficient circulation and reduced recovery time for the athlete.
Source for Sports and EC3D have partnered to create a performance compression hockey sock that features anatomically specific calibrated compression zones. The Pro-Formance Advantage skate sock has seamless construction to eliminate chafing and blisters. The padded heel, arch support and shin protector offer extreme comfort, and the antimicrobial fibres control moisture.

See All EC3D Performance Products
Whether you are an amateur athlete, or elite, The Pro-Formance Advantage EC3D Compression hockey sock will keep your feet and legs energized throughout the game, and assist with recovery afterward.
The performance compression sock has a unique sizing method to ensure that the compression technology is optimized for your size. Visit your local Source For Sports store for the Pro-Formance Advantage skate fitting and EC3D hockey sock, which is also available in a model with cut-resistant Kevlar.
Elevate your game with the Pro-Formance Advantage custom fitting system. Available only at Source for Sports.
For expert advice on hockey gear and equipment that is right for your game, level of play, and budget, come see us at your local Source for Sports hockey store near you. We Fit Your Game.
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